Tuesday 18 October 2016

My Quote

What's so ever an individual listen to, thinks about, imagine, dream of its determine how far he/she becomes great in life. - God'sgift Okpadiohwo

My question to my reader who are you friends, what are you thinking about, dreams, imagination.

Drop a comment below:

Sunday 16 October 2016

Motivation in Life

Having Motivative To Change Your Life.

By: God'sgift Okpadiohwo

I will want to start with the meaning of motivation. Motivation can be defined in the following ways:
- As an internal or external drive that prompts a person to action
- Being able to pursue change in the face of obstacles, boredom, fatigue, stress and the desire to do other things.
- Doing everything you can to make the changes you want in your life.

Motivation Matrix
For every person, there is a different motivation that drives them toward their goals. The motivation matrix breaks down motivation along two dimension internal vs. external and positive vs negative. This result to four quadrants, but will produce different experience and outcomes.
- internal - positive: challenge, desire, passion, satisfaction,  self - validation (likely outcome successful change, fulfillment)
 - external - positive: recognition and appreciation from others, financial rewards,( likely outcomes: some change, partial fulfillment, dependent on others, for continued change and good feelings).
- internal - negative: threat, fear of failure, inadequacy, insecurity( likely outcome: some change, possible relapse)
- external - negative: fear of loss of job or relationship, insufficient respect from others, financial or social pressure, pressure from significant others.

In addition motivation to change means maintaining your efforts consistently. It also involves doing everything possible to achieve your change goals.

Motivation to change begins with what I call the three D's
D- Direction
D- Decision
D- Dedication

I will want to talk on the three D's that lead to change in goal setting.
The first D stands for direction before you can begin the process of any career path, you must first consider the different directions you can go in your life on that career you have chosen.

The second D represent decision. With these three choices of direction, you must decide on one direction in which to go. None of these directions is necessarily right or wrong, better or worse. They're simply your option. Your choice will dictate whether you make changes in your life and the amount of time and effort you put into those change.

The third D stands for dedication . Once you've made your decision, you must dedicate yourself to it. If your decision is to make significant changes in your life whether quickly or slowly, then this last step will determine whether those change are realized. Your decision to change will them become a top priority in your life. Only by being completely dedicated to your direction and decision will you ensure that you have the motivation you will need to achieve your change goals.

Optimism and Pessimism

Personal Drive;
Being Optimism not Pessimism in Life.

By: God'sgift Okpadiohwo

What is optimism and Pessimism

There are many definition to optimism and pessimism, I have decided to choose the following definition listed below:

1. a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
2. the belief that good ultimately predominates over evil in the world.
3. hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something.

While Pessimism is opposite of optimism, these are the definition;
1. a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
2. the doctrine that the existing world is the worst of all possible worlds, or that all things naturally tend to evil.
3. the tendency to see, anticipate, or emphasize only bad or undesirable outcomes, results, conditions, problems.

The various definition as been gotten list discuss on them more.
Optimism is a form of positive thinking that includes that belief that you are responsible for your own happiness and more good things will continue to happen to you in you future. I believe you have gotten some knowledge about optimism, how it differ from pessimism and more.

Ever heard the expression the glass is half full? It usually refers to how optimistic people see the world, what does it mean?

Just imagine that you and spouse are at a restaurant with your spouse and you then order the waitress to bring you both drinks. You and your spouse both notice that the waitress only filled your cups of soda halfway. Your friend is visibly upset and states that the cups are half empty and don't contain enough soda. Him/Her became upset with the waitress. You tell him/her that she is wrong, the cups are actually half full and contain enough soda to last for at least the first portion of our meal. Your response is to look on the positive side of the situation and is an example of optimism.

Another example about a lady being dumped by her spouse.

An optimistic female who is dumped by her boyfriend does not blame herself, but instead and may believe that the relationship just wasn't meant to be. People who are optimists tend to focus on the positive side of things rather than the negative. The opposite of optimism is known as pessimism.

In the examples above, your friend's response at the restaurant is one of pessimism. Pessimism is a form of negative thinking that includes the belief that bad things ( being dumped by spouse, never seeing your future bright, always seeing yourself as a failure, saying you never gone make it big in life, seeing self as a loser).

Being Optimism in life important and helpful in ones life.