Tuesday 12 July 2016


1. They read
Experts agree that reading is the very last thing most successful people do before going to sleep — US President Barack Obama and Bill Gates are known to read for at least a half hour before bed.
Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of "You Can't Be Serious! Putting Humor to Work," says he knows numerous business leaders who block off time just before bed for reading, going so far as to schedule it as a "non-negotiable item" on their calendar.
"This isn't necessarily reserved just for business reading or inspirational reading. Many successful people find value in being browsers of information from a variety of sources, believing it helps fuel greater creativity and passion in their lives," he says.
2. They disconnect from work
Truly successful people do anything but work right before bed, Kerr says. They don't obsessively check their email and they try not to dwell on work-related issues.
Studies have found that if you associate your bed with work, it'll be harder to relax there, so it's essential you reserve your bed for sleep and sex only.
Michael Woodward, PhD, an organizational psychologist and author of "The YOU Plan," agrees, saying:
The last thing you need is to be lying in bed thinking about an email you just read from that overzealous boss who spends all their waking hours coming up with random requests driven by little more than a momentary impulse.
Give yourself a buffer period of at least a half hour between the time you read your last email and the time you go to bed.
3. They unplug completely
Disconnecting from work means not checking your email right before bed, but this doesn't mean you should turn to social media or games on your phone, either. Researchers agree that any kind of screen time before bed does you more harm than good.
The blue light from your phone mimics the brightness of the sun, which tells your brain to stop producing melatonin, an essential hormone that regulates your circadian rhythm and tells your body when it's time to wake and when it's time to sleep. This could lead not only to poor sleep, but also to vision problems, cancer, and depression.
If you don't believe the research, take it from Arianna Huffington, The Huffington Post's cofounder, president, and editor-in-chief. After collapsing from exhaustion, Huffington completely revamped her approach to sleep. As she details in her book, "Thrive," she has completely banned iPads, Kindles, laptops, and any other electronics from the bedroom.
4. They make a to-do list
"Clearing the mind for a good night sleep is critical for a lot of successful people," Kerr says. "Often they will take this time to write down a list of any unattended items to address the following day, so these thoughts don't end up invading their head space during the night."
For example, Kenneth Chenault, CEO of American Express, writes down three things he wants to accomplish the next day.
5. They spend time with family
Woodward says it's important to make some time to chat with your partner, talk to your kids, or play with your dog.
Laura Vanderkam, author of "I Know How She Does It" and "What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast," says this is a common practice among the highly successful.
"I realize not everyone can go to bed at the same time as his or her partner, but if you can, it's a great way to connect and talk about your days," she says.
6. They go for an evening stroll
Joel Gascoigne, cofounder and CEO of Buffer, takes a 20-minute walk every evening before bed.
"This is a wind down period, and allows me to evaluate the day's work, think about the greater challenges, gradually stop thinking about work, and reach a state of tiredness," he writes in a blog post.
While it's a popular belief that exercise before bed can prevent sleep, the National Sleep Foundation actually found in 2013 that exercising whenever you can, even at night, helps you sleep better. Numerous studies have also found that walking reduces stress and anxiety.
7. They reflect on the good things from the day
Kerr says that many successful people take the time just before bed to reflect on or write down three things that they are appreciative of that happened that day.
"Keeping a 'gratitude journal' also reminds people of the progress they made that day in any aspect of their life, which in turn serves as a key way to stay motivated, especially when going through a challenging period."
It's easy to fall into the trap of replaying negative situations from the day that you wish you had handled differently. Regardless of how badly the day went, successful people typically manage to avoid that pessimistic spiral of negative self-talk because they know it will only create more stress.
Benjamin Franklin famously asked himself the same self-improvement question every night: "What good have I done today?"
"Remember to take some time to reflect on the positive moments of the day and celebrate the successes, even if they were few and far between," Woodward says.
Vanderkam adds: "Taking a few moments to think about what went right over the course of the day can put you in a positive, grateful mood."
8. They decompress

Jacquelyn Smith/Business Insider
Maybe you like taking a warm bath. Perhaps listening to calming music relaxes you. 
The most successful people find ways to unwind and decompress before heading to bed. It allows them to de-stress, fall asleep quicker, and sleep more soundly.
9. They picture tomorrow's success
Many successful people take a few minutes before bed to envision a positive outcome unfolding for the projects they're working on, says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job."
"For most, this is not a task or exercise; they're wired with a gift of solid resolution skills that come naturally," she says.
10. They meditate
Another great way to decompress is to meditate.
Many successful people use the 10 minutes before bed to do this. Dale Kurow, a New York-based executive coach, says it's a great way to relax your body and quiet your mind.
11. They plan out sleep
"Much has been written around the dangers busy people face running chronic sleep deficits, so one habit I know several highly successful people do is to simply make it a priority to get enough sleep — which can be a challenge for workaholics or entrepreneurs," Kerr says.
One way to do that is to go to bed at a consistent time each evening, which is a key habit all sleep experts recommend to help ensure a healthy night's sleep.
Vanderkam further suggests that you plan out when you're going to wake up, count back however many hours you need to sleep, and then consider setting an alarm to remind yourself to get ready for bed.
"The worst thing you can do is stay up late then hit snooze in the morning," she says. "Humans have a limited amount of willpower. Why waste that willpower arguing with yourself over when to get up, and sleeping in miserable nine-minute increments?"
12. They keep a hygiene ritual
The National Sleep Foundation recommends that you create a hygiene ritual that sends a psychological signal that you are getting ready for bed. This can include brushing your teeth, washing your face, flossing, or combing your hair.
Stephen King's nightly routine includes washing his hands and making sure all the pillows face a certain way.
13. They skip the wine
When researching her sleep manifesto, "Thrive," Huffington consulted a number of sleep specialists for tips. One of her favorites is avoiding alcohol right before bedtime.
While alcohol can certainly help you fall asleep, the National Institute of Health finds that it robs you of quality sleep. Alcohol keeps people in the lighter stages of sleep from which they can be awakened easily and prevents them from falling into deeper, more restorative stages of sleep, the institute finds.

Thursday 7 July 2016


1# He no longer shows his love like

The first alarming sign is when your partner loses interest in you and everything he does is meant to impress someone else. Your best option in such a case is to focus on yourself and move on as soon as you can because love isn’t there anymore.

2# He always has something else in mind

Another sign that clearly says ‘love’s over’ is when you notice that your partner is no longer interested in you and always thinks of something (someone) else. Again, insist on having a long honest talk, but remain focused on yourself as this is the best thing you can.

3# You have nothing to talk about

Losing mutual topics of interest and not having anything to talk about indicates that you have lost interest in each other. Your best alternative is to part ways.

4# He blames you for every failure

If you’re the culprit for everything bad that happens in your and his life, there’s nothing better you can do than move on without him.

5# He no longer supports you

If you notice that you easily annoy your partner no matter what you do or say, he mistreats you and is never satisfied with whatever you do for him, then you should probably leave him because you deserve so much better.

6# He always has an excuse for not being at home

Frequent business trips, spending long hours at the office, playing games and drinking with his friends and never taking you with him are all signs that he no longer loves you. Also, as devastating as this may
sound, there’s possibly another woman involved.

7# You are no longer in his plans

If your dreams together fall apart and he makes plans for the future without including you, no longer invest yourself into this relationship. Move on!

8# He is disrespectful towards you

If he doesn’t appreciate all your efforts to mend your relationship and only remembers the bad moments, you may be trying pointlessly to make things better. Break it off as soon as you can and move on.

9# He doesn’t give you any explanations

If you don’t get any explanations for what he does because he feels it’s not important, he doesn’t take you as an important part of his life. You don’t matter, that’s it. So why staying in such a toxic relationship?

10# You hate and you hurt yourself

You get hurt and hate yourself for it because of his lying, cheating, not talking to you, not telling you everything. This is a clear sign that your love’s over. Move on and focus on yourself. You deserve better!

9 psychological reasons someone might fall in love with you.

Love and attraction are weird and mysterious things.
There's a lot we don't understand — and a lot that's idiosyncratic to individual people and couples.
That's why a lot of research into why we mate is bizarre to the point of incoherence — cultural norms as well as oddities in the research methods can create a lot of noise.
Yet it turns out there is a lot of science about why people fall in love that is at once super strange and actually fairly credible.
Keep in mind that no one study is enough to draw definite, broad conclusions. That's especially true because this research tends to focus on the specific behaviors of heterosexual undergraduate students at the universities where researchers work. Still, there's a lot of fascinating knowledge out there about our habits of love and attraction.
Here are nine of the most most interesting finds.
1. People tend to fall in love with other people who are like them. Shared values, life experiences, levels of attractiveness, and age all can make a major difference.
2. If you want someone to fall in love with you, it might help to resemble their opposite-sex parent. That can mean hair and eye color, but also age. Children of young parents tend to seek out young partners more often.
3. There's some evidence that scent can play a role in attraction. Ovulating women, for example, may prefer the scents of men with more testosterone. And men may prefer the scents of women at certain times in their menstrual cycles.
4. 4. If you keep an open posture, that can make you seem less closed off — and more inviting and attractive.
5. Height can also play major role in attractiveness — especially for men — in both the short and long term.
6. Sharing thrilling or scary experiences looks like a great way to jump-start attraction. So maybe skip that coffee date for some skydiving?
7. If you and your crush live close to one another, it's more likely to turn into something — because you can get to know one another through running into each other. At least, that's the case for college students in their dorms.
8. Smiling is another great way to seem attractive. Research suggests many people are just drawn to more positive partners.
9. The best way to fall in love with someone is to get to know them. One researcher famously showed this by having pairs of strangers ask one another just 36 questions in 45 minutes. The results demonstrated exactly how people can build intimacy with almost anyone — if they try.
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Relationship Problems

7 Ways Of Dealing With Dating Anxiety
Not everyone is a pro at dating. Sometimes we just get stuck between the idea of dating, giving hints to know how she feels, waiting for the right time to ask her out, fear of ruining the relationship and fear of losing her. This tension is natural when it comes to relationship, but men often disguise their apprehensions with the ‘single’ status. It feels that they don’t want to identify themselves with this anxiety of getting into a relationship or dating. This is possibly one of the reasons why some men don’t succeed in getting into any relationship.
Before you jump on those ultimate dating tips to sweep your girl off her feet, it’s very important to actually come to terms with the fact that you have this dating anxiety. Once you confront this feeling, it will become easy for you to overcome them.
1. What If She Is Not ‘The One’
While you can be somebody’s Mr. Perfect, you too are on a constant search for the woman who is perfect for you. In the process you end up comparing every girl you meet and don’t really like anyone. You also get worried about “What if she is not the one?”
Guys, presumptions won’t help, trying to know her would.

2. The Fear Of Heart break
We all are afraid of getting hurt. But if you hold yourself back because of this fear, then you are definitely going to be left heartbroken. See you don’t know whether you would get hurt or not, but even for that you would have to at least give it a shot.
What you can do is be more honest with her about your feelings and love.

3. My Life Revolves Around Murphy’s Law
You might have been weak in the science subject, but one law you just can’t get over is the Murphy’s Law. You feel that if anything has to go wrong, it will go wrong which makes you view everything in a negative light.
Let that law be there only for knowledge, don’t let it ruin your prospects in love.

4. The Damage Caused By Past Relationship
Getting over your past relationship is tricky and no matter what you do, it always affects your present and future. You might as well feel that the debris from your damaged relationship will get carried forward in this one too.
Let your past stay right where it is. Neither the people nor the situations are same. So don’t compare your past and present.

5. Fear Of Falling Out Of Love
Some might argue on this point but people often have this fear that they might fall out of love and hurt the other person. So you don’t give yourself a chance at all thinking that this might be good for both of you (we know it sounds cliché.)
You are not a fortune teller, so don’t act like one. Instead, go ahead and at least give yourself a chance.

6. She Is Too Good For Me
The ‘Out of my league’ concept is so popular that we always end up compromising on our love. Guys honestly, if you won’t try, someone else will. By accepting the fact that a girl is too good for you, you are actually limiting yourself to failure and bad dates.
She is out of your league only till the time you think she is. Find the real cause for your insecurity and once done that, approach her with confidence.

7. The Fear Of Rejection
No one likes being rejected! But if you don’t make a move at all fearing rejection, it’s worse than getting rejected. In fact, I have seen many people see the person they love dating someone else, just because they didn’t have the guts or were scared of getting a ‘no’.
Guys, there is no harm in confessing your feelings. Like even if she says no, at least you tried and won’t have any regrets later.

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