Thursday, 30 June 2016


Whether you think of yourself as a world-class communicator or as someone who would rather just send an email than deal with face-to-face chatter, chances are you have at least a few bad communication habits that are driving people crazy.
Take a look at these eight common faux pas.
Do you find yourself guilty of any of them? Well, it's time for you to pull in the reins and stop — immediately.
1. Constantly interrupting
We all have one thing in common when talking: We want to be listened to. So if you're one of those people who tend to jump in and interrupt or — even worse — try to complete people's sentences for them, you need to keep yourself in check.
You might think your constant interjections are a way to show your level of engagement. But they really just make you a conversational bulldozer.
2. Multitasking
Conversations deserve your full attention — and not just the halfhearted glances you're willing to give them when you manage to rip your focus away from your iPhone screen.
Multitasking is a habit we're likely all guilty of. But you need to be present for your conversations, no matter how menial or futile they may seem. That means no scrolling through your email or subconsciously thinking about your grocery list. Give your conversational partners the attention they deserve.
If you have the tendency to overuse qualifiers, you may be driving people up a wall.
3. Using qualifiers
"Don't take this personally, but..."; "This might be a bad idea, but..."; or "I know what you're thinking, but..."
Qualifiers exist for nearly every situation. But if you have the tendency to overuse them, you may be driving people up a wall. Why? Well, while these prefacing statements might seem like a great way to sugarcoat your sentences, they often just come off as condescending and unnecessary.
4. Equating your experiences
Tell me if this situation sounds familiar: Someone is explaining a difficult problem he's currently facing. You immediately retort with "I know exactly how you feel!" and then launch into your own long-winded tale of a time you experienced something that's not even the least bit similar.
It's important to remember that human experiences are all different. Your attempts to show empathy are admirable. But in most cases, you're better off just listening and lending support.
5. Floundering
We've all had to deal with those people who seem to just ramble on endlessly without a point— those people who appear to be talking simply because they like the sound of their own voices.
Needless to say, you don't want to garner this reputation for yourself by constantly chiming in without a clear purpose. When you do decide to speak up, make sure that you're prepared to be clear and concise. That's the mark of a skilled communicator.
Before hitting send on a message, ask yourself if this is something that could be done more efficiently in person or over the phone.
6. Avoiding direct contact
I'm a big fan of the convenience of email and text messages. However, if you've ever dealt with someone who took the time to write out a lengthy message for something he or she could have easily explained to you in person in as few as two sentences, you know how frustrating that can be.
The never-ending assortment of communication tools available today has made us all a little less willing to actually talk to one another. So before hitting send on a message, ask yourself if this is something that could be done more efficiently in person or over the phone. You'll save yourself (and the person on the receiving end!) a lot of headaches.
7. Waiting instead of listening
As my mom always loves to tell me, "There's a big difference between hearing and listening!" And when you're having a conversation with someone, you should be actively listening.
That means you're not just staying silent while thinking of your next point and waiting for your chance to talk again. Instead, you're engaged in what that person is explaining. Trust me— people can tell when you're tuning them out.
8. Using filler words
"Hey, Paul Umm ... I'm just checking in on that, uhhh ... report to see if you think you'll, like, have that done by the end of the day."
You knew this one had to make it onto the list somewhere. This is perhaps one of the toughest bad habits to break. We're all so used to littering our sentences with these unnecessary words— it's like a nervous tic for most of us. But make your best efforts to cut them out. Your conversations will be much cleaner and more polished.
Breaking a bad habit isn't always easy. But channel your energy into removing these faux pas from your conversations and you're sure to be a better communicator.
Kindly drop a comment below

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

4 Kinds of People to Surround Yourself With to Obtain Success

Success doesn’t occur in a vacuum. In reality, there are a number of factors that lead to the success of an entrepreneur. Hard work and drive are always necessary for entrepreneurial success, but your personal improvement leading up to your success can be greatly driven by other people.
The people we choose to surround ourselves with impacts the way we think, act and feel on a day-to-day basis. In many ways, entrepreneurial success is determined much like success in any other aspect of life. A young football player is going to succeed if he surrounds himself with people who push him to become better, not people who distract him from his potential.
As entrepreneurs, we are responsible for ourselves. Surrounding yourself with the right type of people can help success come more naturally to you than being around those who might hold you back. Here are some people you should keep close throughout your pursuits.
1.Relentless workers.
You probably know somebody who is a relentless worker, or perhaps you are one yourself. These types of workers push us to work harder each and every day. While measuring personal success against the success of another is like comparing apples and oranges, we can measure our drive with the drive of other relentless workers. True passion and commitment will breed a successful business.
2. Positive attitude
People tend to be better at what they’re doing if they’re happy. Negative attitudes can drag down work ethic and they don’t offer any inspiration for success or innovation. Surrounding yourself with negative people can bog down your creativity and drive and it could ultimately be the downfall of your business. People with positive attitudes can actually have the opposite effect, facilitating your leap towards success more effectively. Bringing happiness inside the workplace will keep morale high and will keep people looking forward.
3.people who ask question
Albert Einstein once said “the important thing is to not stop questioning.” As entrepreneurs, we should constantly be asking questions about ourselves and our business. However, no single person will think of every important question. People who ask questions may provide a different angle on an issue or an idea, and these questions could ultimately lead to an important breakthrough for you or your business. Perspective is everything.
4. Dreamers.
Some non-entrepreneurial types will consider all entrepreneurs “dreamers.” However, we understand that setting goals and working hard will help us achieve what many consider to be unachievable. To keep this drive going, we should always be surrounding ourselves with people who have similar goals in mind. These dreamers don’t even need to be involved in the same industry as you or your business; the important thing is that you keep close people with big plans for themselves. Seeing other people’s drive will keep you hungry to reach your goals.
You are the sum of who you spend your time with. Make sure that you are directly involved with people who lift you, inspire you, and motivate you to do and be more. As you grow and your business grows, this might mean changing friends and colleagues, and that’s part of life. Just trust that hard work, positivity, and keeping your sights high are things you can’t risk deviating from if you want the life you dream of.


Definition of Stress
Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength. This class will discuss different causes of stress, how stress affects you, the difference between 'good' or 'positive' stress and 'bad' or 'negative' stress, and some common facts about how stress affects people today.

Steps on how you can manage your Stress
1. Make a plan for your day
2. Only work on tasks that are most important to improve your life.
3. Get more rest.
4. Talk out your situation to someone your trust and respect.
5. Look for the lesson you learnt from that stress.

My question to you
Which events in your life cause the most stress and which strategies have you used to overcome that stress in the past?

Kind drop a comment.

Thursday, 23 June 2016


This is guide for those involve in relationship and planing to get married. also for those getting into a fresh relationship.
Reuters/Christian Hartmann
One of the easiest ways to tell if you're a good match with your partner is to plan a trip together.
"A good match is people who are willing and wanting to travel the same way," Goldstein said.
If one of you wants to hop in an RV and road trip to Mexico, while the other wants to fly first class and stay at a five-star resort, then that's a sign that you aren't a good fit.
"It's indicative of your lifestyle," Goldstein said. "It could lead to problems down the road."
For example, these lifestyle differences could come into play when it's time to buy a house or pick an education path for your children, the expert said.
"If you have a really narrow mind about the way that you travel, you probably have that same mindset in other aspects of your life," she added.
Flickr / Don DeBold
It may seem intuitive, but a great way to tell if you are a good match with a person is to determine whether you have common interests.
That doesn't mean that you just like the same sort of art or listen to the same sort of music. Instead, good matches not only enjoy similar things, but they like doing those things together.
"There should be at least two or three things you really like to do together," Goldstein said. "It should be about spending time together."
And so, if you're a couple who, for instance, enjoys going on long walks, playing board games, or watching the same sports together, then you're likely a good match.
Flickr/Pedro Ribeiro Simões
Most of the successful pairings Goldstein has witnessed involves people who strike a perfect balance, where one of them is "the star" while the other is more of "the rock."
"I found that the majority of my success stories fall into those categories, where sometimes one of them is outgoing and the life of the party, where the other is more stable and supportive," Goldstein said.
People with different energies tend to compliment each other, whereas those who are both super outgoing or both extremely introverted don't always go the distance.
"If you have the yin and the yang, they balance each other out," the expert said. "I've found that balance works really well in a relationship."
Reuters/Lucy Nicholson
It seems like common sense: You should be with someone who makes you feel like you're at your best. But of course, a lot of people end up in relationships where they don't really feel like themselves.
"Relationships where you truly feel like you're the best version of yourself — that's the best way to see if you're a good match," Goldstein said.
Being in a relationship where you feel like yourself means that you don't have to stretch to come up with topics to talk about.
It's also when you feel at home with their group of friends, or feel comfortable lounging around in your pajamas with the other person.
I wish you success in your relationships.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

How to Make Money and Become a Billionaire

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - words of the mighty Aristotle. You make your habits in the beginning, then your habits make you.
Daniel Ally is an self-made millionaire & business expert. Ally became a millionaire at 24 years old. And recently he shared his list of habits that changed his life.

                                      Simplify Your Words
Millionaires know how to share their message in simplest terms. They use their words with precision and possess deep meaning in what they say. By speaking pompously, many people exterminate their opportunities. In short, never drown people in the sea of verbosity.
To learn to speak with ease, join your local Toastmasters club to brush up on your communication skills. Unfortunately, too many people get lazy with their communication and subtly conform to the habits of others. However, millionaires diligently work on how to improve what they say and seamlessly find easier ways to say it, whether it's verbally or written.

Abandon the Old

To abandon your negative habits, you must replace them with positive ones. Before you are able to face the new, you must relinquish the old. If you want a new car or house, then bless the old one and search for the new. When you want to achieve a positive mindset, you must get rid of the negative one first.

Daily Goal-Setting

Whether you're writing your financial projections, planning your weekly tasks, or scheming new ways to build your empire, you'll want to procure a daily goal-setting habit that will give you momentum on a daily basis.
When you set your goals every day, it allows you to prioritize and keep "first things first." Prioritization is doing first what matters most. Instead of pursuing $100 actions, this habit will promote you to embody $1,000 activities. Once you accumulate more profitable activities in your day, you'll add money to the bank, making you a millionaire in the process.

Surround Yourself With The Right People

Along your path to success, you will have to make tough decisions about not only everyday tasks and challenges, but also about the people you surround yourself with. Some people uplift you. Some people are toxic. As an entrepreneur, you have to face the truth and recognize who is helping you and who is holding you back.
Sometimes you will have negative employees, bosses, associates, and even friends that will hurt your chances of being successful with their influence alone. Habits are contagious when you spend a lot of time around the people who have them. Surround yourself with goal-oriented, successful people and their good habits will rub off on you.


Rich people don’t give up. About 90% of rich people today did not become rich the way they originally thought or intended. They tried, they failed, and they rose up again many times before they eventually succeeded. You may lose a lot of money in the process, but you’ll keep getting better by learning from your mistakes and experiences until you get the financial independence you desire.

Educate Yourself

It doesn’t take an Ivy League education to become a millionaire, but it does take a desire to learn. It doesn’t matter how you learn – from a mentor, night classes, or books and the web – but ongoing learning is critical to lifelong success. If you’re open to learning as much as you can, regardless of your stage in life or in your career, it will never hurt your chances of success.

Work Hard

Except for people who inherited great riches, I have not seen any lazy rich person. Rich people work very hard and they also work constantly. People that work hard can’t be behind, they are always on top of their profession whether they are business people, self-employed, or even employees. They always do things that ordinary people cannot do.

Embellish Your Appearance

It's not a secret people get judged by their appearance. People who get ahead at work look to those above them and emulate not only the clothes they wear, but the ways in which they present themselves in the office, interact with others, and approach their work.
Although, you can be the best-looking or best-groomed bloke in the world, but if your nails are dirty, hair sprouting from your ears or you missed a bit shaving, all your good work will be undone. So check your reflection before you leave home. Lesson? Mirror time is never wasted time.

Ask Questions

Most people assume that they know answers. Their assumptions actually hold them back from knowing the truth. Truly, you want to ask questions to gain clarity about the direction you are heading. The fact is that many people don't ask any questions as they habitually guess their way by creating answers for themselves.
To become a millionaire, don't answer your questions, but question your answers. When you need to know the facts, you must inquire, not just make assumptions. Many people don't want to ask questions because it exposes them to confront the reality of their circumstance, which may scare them. Moreover, asking questions forces them into the laborious task of thinking, which is why they fail to ask questions.

Friday, 3 June 2016


Here are Pre-marriage queation one need to ask him/herself before going into marriage.
1. How emotionally, mentally & financially, are you prepared to handle handle the weight of marriage? Marriage is responsibility & being adult is not by age, but how you are being able of handling Marital issues; and life in general.

2. What is your Marriage philosophy/idea?do you believe that marriage that marriage can be stress free & Blissful or just so Pain and patience all through? also note that you perception /expectation can be your reality in marriage and life.


I have come to observe that most guys are scared of approaching a lady just because of some not worthless difference between them. difference like
she is too cute for me.
She is too busy to talk to.
Her Education is higher than my.
She has money than i do
Coming guys this are not reason why you can't approach her.
what is excepted from you has a guy to lady is to take the bold step and talk to her telling are you are interested and also find her attractive with that first step you have become a success in the first step.

Don't be a shallow minded single man ironically shying away from good? wife materials? everyday just because such ladies are richer, older than you or more intelligent than they are.
Also note that two heads are better than one. if you are not smart? do yourself a favour, by marry someone more smarter/intelligent than you. your success depends on your decision.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


1. Ask yourself, "What's the worst that can happen?"
There's a simple three-step technique that can help when you're besieged by personal or professional worries.
First, ask yourself what's the worst that could possibly happen. Second, prepare to accept the worst. Finally, figure out how to improve upon the worst, should it come to pass.
This technique is based on an anecdote from Willis Carrier, founder of the modern air-conditioning industry. While working for the Buffalo Forge Company as a young man, Carrier found that a new gas-cleaning service his company provided wasn't as effective as he'd hoped.
Carrier realized that the worst that could happen was that his company would lose $20,000. He then accepted it: The company could qualify the loss as the cost of researching a new strategy. Finally, he figured out how to improve the situation: If the company bought $5,000 worth of new equipment, they could resolve the issue. Ultimately, that's exactly what they did, and they ended up making $15,000.
2. Gather all the facts in an objective way.
As Herbert E. Hawkes, former dean of Columbia College, told Carnegie, "If a man will devote his time to securing facts in an impartial, objective way, his worries will usually evaporate in light of knowledge."
Carnegie offers two ways to go about collecting facts objectively. You can pretend that you're gathering this data for someone else, so you're less emotionally invested in what you find.
Or you can pretend that you're a lawyer who is preparing to argue the other side of the issue — so you gather all the facts against yourself. Write down the facts on both sides of the case and you'll generally get a clearer picture of the truth. 
Francisco Osorio/Flickr Before you present a problem to your coworkers, try writing down potential solutions on your own.

3. Generate potential solutions to the problem. 
Leon Shimkin, then general manager at Simon and Schuster (he later became the owner), figured out a way to cut the time he spent in meetings by 75%.
He told his associates that every time they wanted to present a problem at a meeting, they had to first submit a memorandum answering four questions: What is the problem? What is the cause of the problem? What are all possible solutions of the problem? What solution do you suggest?
According to Shimkin, once he instituted this new system, his associates rarely came to him with their concerns. 
"They have discovered that in order to answer those four questions they have to get all the facts and think their problems through," he told Carnegie. Once they did that, they typically found that "the proper solution has popped out like a piece of bread popping out from an electric toaster." 
In other words, action replaced worrying and talking.
4. Remember the law of averages.
The law of averages refers to the probability of a specific event occurring — and you should consult the law to find out if it's worth fretting. Chances are good that whatever you're worried about isn't likely to transpire.
Carnegie writes that the US Navy employed the law of averages in order to boost sailors' morale. Sailors who were assigned to high-octane tankers were initially worried that they would be blown up when the tank exploded. So the Navy provided them with exact figures: Of the 100 tanks that were hit by torpedoes, 60 stayed afloat and only five sank in less than 10 minutes, leaving time to get off the ship. 
5. Place stop-loss orders on your worries. 
This strategy is based on a principle in stock trading. One investor said he set a stop-loss order on every market commitment he made. Here's how it works: Say you buy a stock that sells for 100 dollars a share and set a stop-loss order for 90 dollars a share. As soon as that stock dips to 90 dollars a share, you sell it — no questions asked.
You can use this principle in everyday life. For example, Carnegie once wanted to be a novelist, but after two years of toiling away without much success, he decided to cut his losses and go back to teaching and nonfiction writing.
Happy !!! New Month

Dear friends
I am so excited for you all to enter this new month in the middle of the year 2016.
I wish you all the very best in the rest of your life.
My wishes are:
I wish you all strength
I wish you all divine favour
I wish you all Mercies of God
I wish you all wisdom among men
I wish you all success in all you do
I wish you all divine God's love. Happy New Month