Saturday 18 June 2016

How to Make Money and Become a Billionaire

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - words of the mighty Aristotle. You make your habits in the beginning, then your habits make you.
Daniel Ally is an self-made millionaire & business expert. Ally became a millionaire at 24 years old. And recently he shared his list of habits that changed his life.

                                      Simplify Your Words
Millionaires know how to share their message in simplest terms. They use their words with precision and possess deep meaning in what they say. By speaking pompously, many people exterminate their opportunities. In short, never drown people in the sea of verbosity.
To learn to speak with ease, join your local Toastmasters club to brush up on your communication skills. Unfortunately, too many people get lazy with their communication and subtly conform to the habits of others. However, millionaires diligently work on how to improve what they say and seamlessly find easier ways to say it, whether it's verbally or written.

Abandon the Old

To abandon your negative habits, you must replace them with positive ones. Before you are able to face the new, you must relinquish the old. If you want a new car or house, then bless the old one and search for the new. When you want to achieve a positive mindset, you must get rid of the negative one first.

Daily Goal-Setting

Whether you're writing your financial projections, planning your weekly tasks, or scheming new ways to build your empire, you'll want to procure a daily goal-setting habit that will give you momentum on a daily basis.
When you set your goals every day, it allows you to prioritize and keep "first things first." Prioritization is doing first what matters most. Instead of pursuing $100 actions, this habit will promote you to embody $1,000 activities. Once you accumulate more profitable activities in your day, you'll add money to the bank, making you a millionaire in the process.

Surround Yourself With The Right People

Along your path to success, you will have to make tough decisions about not only everyday tasks and challenges, but also about the people you surround yourself with. Some people uplift you. Some people are toxic. As an entrepreneur, you have to face the truth and recognize who is helping you and who is holding you back.
Sometimes you will have negative employees, bosses, associates, and even friends that will hurt your chances of being successful with their influence alone. Habits are contagious when you spend a lot of time around the people who have them. Surround yourself with goal-oriented, successful people and their good habits will rub off on you.


Rich people don’t give up. About 90% of rich people today did not become rich the way they originally thought or intended. They tried, they failed, and they rose up again many times before they eventually succeeded. You may lose a lot of money in the process, but you’ll keep getting better by learning from your mistakes and experiences until you get the financial independence you desire.

Educate Yourself

It doesn’t take an Ivy League education to become a millionaire, but it does take a desire to learn. It doesn’t matter how you learn – from a mentor, night classes, or books and the web – but ongoing learning is critical to lifelong success. If you’re open to learning as much as you can, regardless of your stage in life or in your career, it will never hurt your chances of success.

Work Hard

Except for people who inherited great riches, I have not seen any lazy rich person. Rich people work very hard and they also work constantly. People that work hard can’t be behind, they are always on top of their profession whether they are business people, self-employed, or even employees. They always do things that ordinary people cannot do.

Embellish Your Appearance

It's not a secret people get judged by their appearance. People who get ahead at work look to those above them and emulate not only the clothes they wear, but the ways in which they present themselves in the office, interact with others, and approach their work.
Although, you can be the best-looking or best-groomed bloke in the world, but if your nails are dirty, hair sprouting from your ears or you missed a bit shaving, all your good work will be undone. So check your reflection before you leave home. Lesson? Mirror time is never wasted time.

Ask Questions

Most people assume that they know answers. Their assumptions actually hold them back from knowing the truth. Truly, you want to ask questions to gain clarity about the direction you are heading. The fact is that many people don't ask any questions as they habitually guess their way by creating answers for themselves.
To become a millionaire, don't answer your questions, but question your answers. When you need to know the facts, you must inquire, not just make assumptions. Many people don't want to ask questions because it exposes them to confront the reality of their circumstance, which may scare them. Moreover, asking questions forces them into the laborious task of thinking, which is why they fail to ask questions.

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